First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers
Military Training
Combat Engineering, General
Job Title: | Combat Engineering Senior Sergeant |
Branch: | Army |
Class: | Enlisted |
Description: | Inspects and advises on bridging, rafting, and river crossing operations. Formulates and maintains construction schedules. Assists in supervision of troops in assault operations. Performs ground and aerial reconnaissance. Advises engineer staff section personnel in matters involving combat engineer operations. Coordinates with staff agencies for engineer operational and tactical support. Coordinates employment of engineer elements operating with infantry and armored units. Inspects construction sites and enforces job specification and safety standards. Collects, interprets, analyzes, evaluates, and disseminates intelligence data. |
Job Title: | Engineer Senior Sergeant |
Branch: | Army |
Class: | Enlisted |
The data sources for the information displayed here include: Defense Manpower Data Center. (Using onet291)