Career Day Toolkit

 About this Toolkit:   The Career Day Toolkit is designed to help educators plan a successful career day in their school.  This toolkit offers brainstorming ideas, planning tips, and resources to use with students before and after the Career Day.


Tips for Using this Toolkit:

  • Prior to Career Day, consider having students interview a parent, mentor, or relative about their careers using Career Interview, Career Role Models, Family Chat, or Interviews
  • Have students play on Career Town, Kid’s Search, or Career Search before Career Day, and even as a follow up after Career Day.
  • Invite community members with non-traditional careers to attend your Career Day.  To see some of VIEW’s unusual occupations, click here.
  • Have students complete a scavenger hunt as they attend the Career Day.  This will help students stay engaged!
  • Make Career Day as hands-on as possible.  Encourage presenters to bring visuals and items that can easily be passed around for students to explore.  Allow time at the end of individual presentations for questions (and encourage them!).

Career Day Resources

Career Day: Supplemental Activities