Treasurers and Controllers
Additional Resources
For information about careers and certification in financial management contact:
American Bankers Association
1120 Connecticut Ave. NW.
Washington, DC 20036
Financial Management Association International
College of Business Administration
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL 33620-5500
For information about financial careers in business credit management; the Credit Business Associate; Credit Business Fellow and Certified Credit Executive programs contact:
National Association of Credit Management
Credit Research Foundation
8840 Columbia 100 Pkwy.
Columbia, MD 21045-2158
For information about careers in financial and treasury management and the Certified Cash Manager, Certified Financial and Treasury Management, and Certified International Cash Management programs contact:
Association for Financial Professionals
7315 Wisconsin Ave.
Suite 600 West
Bethesda, MD 20814
For information about the Chartered Financial Analyst program contact:
Association for Investment Management and Research
P.O. Box 3668
560 Ray Hunt Dr.
Charlottesville, VA 22903
For information about the Certified Government Financial Manager designation contact:
Association of Government Accountants
2208 Mount Vernon Ave.
Alexandria, VA 22301-1314
The data sources for the information displayed here include: Virginia Career VIEW Research. (Using onet291)