Animal Breeders
Special Requirements
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics states that while professional training or certification is not absolutely necessary for those who wish to work in domestic animal services, it may be a good idea for many animal trainers. Enrolling in a training or certification program may help trainers to learn styles and techniques for handling domestic or exotic animals. This position is ideal for people who enjoy working in the domestic animals services and who wish to interact with animals on a daily basis.
Animal Breeder is a broad term that may refer to someone, such as a dog breeder, who is breeding small animals for sale as pets, or to an animal scientist who works to discover more efficient ways to produce the livestock and animal-based products we consume. For breeders of small or domesticated animals, no specific education is required; however, those breeding large animals may need a 4- or 6-year degree in agricultural science or a related field.
For More Information, Contact:
National Association of Animal Breeders
PO Box 1033
Columbia, Missouri 65205
Phone: (57.3) .4406
Fax: (57.3) .2279
[email protected]
American Dog Breeders Association
P.O. Box 1771
Salt Lake City, Utah 84110
Phone: 801.-93.7513
[email protected]
The data sources for the information displayed here include: Virginia Career VIEW Research. (Using onet28)