Hydroelectric Production Managers
Core Tasks Include:
- Develop or implement policy evaluation procedures for hydroelectric generation activities.
- Provide technical direction in the erection or commissioning of hydroelectric equipment or supporting electrical or mechanical systems.
- Develop or implement projects to improve efficiency, economy, or effectiveness of hydroelectric plant operations.
- Supervise hydropower plant equipment installations, upgrades, or maintenance.
- Respond to problems related to ratepayers, water users, power users, government agencies, educational institutions, or other private or public power resource interests.
- Plan or manage hydroelectric plant upgrades.
- Plan or coordinate hydroelectric production operations to meet customer requirements.
- Perform or direct preventive or corrective containment or cleanup to protect the environment.
- Maintain records of hydroelectric facility operations, maintenance, or repairs.
- Monitor or inspect hydroelectric equipment, such as hydro-turbines, generators, or control systems.
- Inspect hydroelectric facilities, including switchyards, control houses, or relay houses, for normal operation or adherence to safety standards.
- Identify and communicate power system emergencies.
- Develop or review budgets, annual plans, power contracts, power rates, standing operating procedures, power reviews, or engineering studies.
- Check hydroelectric operations for compliance with prescribed operating limits, such as loads, voltages, temperatures, lines, or equipment.
- Supervise or monitor hydroelectric facility operations to ensure that generation or mechanical equipment conform to applicable regulations or standards.
- Direct operations, maintenance, or repair of hydroelectric power facilities.
Supplemental Tasks Include:
- Operate energized high- or low-voltage hydroelectric power transmission system substations, according to procedures and safety requirements.
- Negotiate power generation contracts with other public or private utilities.
- Create or enforce hydrostation voltage schedules.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet28)