Farm Labor Contractors
Recruit and hire seasonal or temporary agricultural laborers. May transport, house, and provide meals for workers.
Tasks Include:
- Pay wages of contracted farm laborers.
- Provide food, drinking water, and field sanitation facilities to contracted workers.
- Recruit and hire agricultural workers.
- Employ foremen to deal directly with workers when recruiting, hiring, instructing, assigning tasks, and enforcing work rules.
- Supervise the work of contracted employees.
- Furnish tools for employee use.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™; US Department of Labor (BLS); Virginia Workforce Connection. (Using onet291)
Projections Quick View:
Virginia: No Data
National: +6.6%
Less than a High School Diploma
Job Zone:
Two: Some Preparation Needed
Income Range:
Highest ($50,000 and up)
Median Earnings:
No Data