Agricultural Engineers
Apply knowledge of engineering technology and biological science to agricultural problems concerned with power and machinery, electrification, structures, soil and water conservation, and processing of agricultural products.
Tasks Include:
- Visit sites to observe environmental problems, to consult with contractors, or to monitor construction activities.
- Design agricultural machinery components and equipment, using computer-aided design (CAD) technology.
- Test agricultural machinery and equipment to ensure adequate performance.
- Design structures for crop storage, animal shelter and loading, and animal and crop processing, and supervise their construction.
- Provide advice on water quality and issues related to pollution management, river control, and ground and surface water resources.
- Conduct educational programs that provide farmers or farm cooperative members with information that can help them improve agricultural productivity.
- Discuss plans with clients, contractors, consultants, and other engineers so that they can be evaluated and necessary changes made.
- Supervise food processing or manufacturing plant operations.
- Design and supervise environmental and land reclamation projects in agriculture and related industries.
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The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™; US Department of Labor (BLS); Virginia Workforce Connection. (Using onet291)
Projections Quick View:
Virginia: No Data
National: +7.8%
Bachelor's Degree
Job Zone:
Four: Considerable Preparation Needed
Income Range:
Highest ($50,000 and up)
Median Earnings:
No Data