Animal Scientists
Tools and Technology
Tools Include:
- Analytical balances (Analytic balances)
- Hematology analyzers (Animal blood analyzers)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Animal catching equipment)
- Feed mixers (Animal feed mixers)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Animal feeders)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Animal heater lamps)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Artificial insemination kits)
- Atomic absorption AA spectrometers
- Dry wall single chamber carbon dioxide incubators (Automatic carbon dioxide CO2 incubators)
- Veterinary injection or suction units or accessories (Balling guns)
- Benchtop centrifuges
- Blood collection syringes
- Calorimeters (Bomb calorimeters)
- Incubators or brooders for poultry (Brooders)
- Gas burners (Bunsen burners)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Calf pullers)
- Restraints (Calf restraints)
- Calorimeters
- Stunner (Captive bolt stunners)
- Animal weighing scales (Cattle scales)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Cattle squeeze chutes)
- Circulating baths (Circulating water baths)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Computerized cattle feeders)
- Conductivity meters (Conductance meters)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Dehorners)
- Deoxyribonucleic sequence analyzers (Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA sequencers)
- Desktop computers
- Histology sampling and dissecting stations (Dissecting kits)
- Animal husbandry equipment (Ear punches)
- Stunner (Electric stunners)
- Laboratory balances (Electronic laboratory balances)
- Laboratory flasks (Erlenmeyer flasks)
- Vacuum blood collection tubes or containers (Evacuated blood collection tubes)
- Reactors or fermenters or digesters (Fiber digesters)
- Spectrophotometers (Fluorescence spectrophotometers)
- Electrophoresis system accessories (Fraction collectors)
- Freeze dryers or lyopholizers (Freeze dryers)
- Gas chromatographs (Gas chromatographs GC)
- Gel documentation systems (Gel electrophoresis equipment)
- Dropping pipettes (Glass pipettes)
- Laboratory beakers (Graduated beakers)
- Laboratory graduated cylinders (Graduated cylinders)
- Handheld thermometer (Handheld digital thermometers)
- High pressure liquid chromatograph chromatography (High pressure liquid chromatograph HPLC equipment)
- Homogenizers
- Stirring hotplates (Hot plate stirrers)
- Hybridization ovens or incubators (Hybridization chambers)
- Hydrometers
- Photo attachments for microscopes (Imaging microscopes)
- Infrared spectrometers (Infrared IR spectrometers)
- Drying cabinets or ovens (Laboratory drying ovens)
- Fume hoods or cupboards (Laboratory fume hoods)
- Vacuum ovens (Laboratory vacuum ovens)
- Laboratory vacuum pumps
- Water baths (Laboratory water baths)
- Laminar flow cabinets or stations (Laminar flow cabinets)
- Notebook computers (Laptop computers)
- Densitometers (Laser densitometers)
- Liquid scintillation counters
- Animal weighing scales (Livestock scales)
- Chopping machinery (Meat choppers)
- Commercial use food grinders (Meat grinders)
- Microcentrifuges
- Microscope slides
- Microcentrifuges (Microultracentrifuges)
- Binocular light compound microscopes (Optical compound microscopes)
- Orbital shaking water baths
- Oxygen sensors (Oxygen meters)
- Personal computers
- Petri plates or dishes (Petri dishes)
- Temperature cycling chambers or thermal cyclers (Polymerase chain reaction PCR equipment)
- Incubators or brooders for poultry (Poultry incubators)
- Refrigerated benchtop centrifuges
- Densitometers (Scanning densitometers)
- Calculators or accessories (Scientific calculators)
- Gel dryers (Slab dryers)
- Specimen collectors (Specimen collection containers)
- Steam autoclaves or sterilizers (Steam autoclaves)
- Tissue culture incubators
- Triple beam balances
- Ultracentrifuges
- Immersion circulators (Ultrasonic water baths)
- Medical ultrasound or doppler or echo probes (Ultrasound probes)
- Spectrophotometers (Ultraviolet UV visible spectrophotometers)
- Veterinary castration instruments (Veterinary emasculators)
- Laboratory flasks (Volumetric flasks)
Technologies Include:
- Analytical or scientific software
- Best Linear Unbiased Prediction BLUP software
- Cowculator
- Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA sequence analysis software
- Master Ration Calculator
- Nutrition Balance Analyzer NUTBAL
- SAS software
- VSNi ASReml
- VSNi GenStat
- Computer aided design CAD software
- Autodesk AutoCAD software
- Data base user interface and query software
- Domestic Animal Diversity Information Service DAD-IS
- Microsoft Access
- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals OMIA
- Electronic mail software
- Email software
- Internet browser software
- Web browser software
- Map creation software
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- Office suite software
- Microsoft Office software
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Word
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)