Soil and Plant Scientists
Tools and Technology
Tools Include:
- Atomic absorption AA spectrometers
- Autosamplers
- Soil core sampling apparatus (Calibrated soil scoops)
- Light absorption meters (Canopy analyzers)
- Tissue culture incubators (Cell tissue culture incubators)
- Circulating baths (Circulating water baths)
- Colorimeters
- Conductivity meters
- Portable data input terminals (Dataloggers)
- Desktop computers
- Digital cameras
- pH meters (Digital pH meters)
- Electron microscopes
- Fluorescent microscopes (Epifluorescence microscopes)
- Laboratory flasks (Erlenmeyer flasks)
- Photometers (Flame photometers)
- Spectrofluorimeters or fluorimeters (Fluorimeters)
- Spectrometers (Gamma ray spectrometers)
- Gel documentation systems
- Gel dryers
- Gel documentation systems (Gel electrophoresis systems)
- Laboratory beakers (Glass beakers)
- Laboratory flasks (Glass flasks)
- Global positioning system receivers (Global positioning system GPS devices)
- Laboratory graduated cylinders (Graduated glass cylinders)
- Radarbased surveillance systems (Ground penetrating radar GPR)
- Augers (Hand augers)
- Soil testing kits (Heat flux plates)
- Benchtop centrifuges (High speed centrifuges)
- Orbital shaking water baths (Hot water shaking baths)
- Inductively coupled plasma ICP spectrometers (Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometers ICP-AES)
- Infrared imagers (Infrared cameras)
- Infra red or ultra violet absorption analyzers (Infrared gas analyzers)
- Ion chromatographs
- Drying cabinets or ovens (Laboratory drying ovens)
- Laboratory mills (Laboratory grinders)
- Refrigerated and heated reach in environmental or growth chambers (Laboratory growth chambers)
- Laboratory mixers
- Laboratory box furnaces (Laboratory muffle furnaces)
- Test sieves (Laboratory sieves)
- Multipurpose or general test tubes (Laboratory test tubes)
- Laminar flow cabinets or stations (Laminar flow hoods)
- Notebook computers (Laptop computers)
- Particle size measuring apparatus (Laser particle sizers)
- Radarbased surveillance systems (Light detection and ranging LIDAR systems)
- Photometers (Luminometers)
- Precipitation or evaporation recorders (Lysimeters)
- Mass spectrometers
- Microplate readers (Microtiter plate readers)
- Organic carbon analyzers
- Osmometers
- Personal computers
- Personal digital assistant PDAs or organizers (Personal digital assistants PDA)
- pH meters (pH indicators)
- Polarizing microscopes
- Temperature cycling chambers or thermal cyclers (Polymerase chain reaction PCR equipment)
- Permeability or porosity estimation apparatus (Porometers)
- Laboratory balances (Precision balances)
- Psychrometers
- Reciprocating shaking water baths (Reciprocating shaker water baths)
- Refrigerated benchtop centrifuges (Refrigerated microfuges)
- Sample holders (Sample containers)
- Hydrometers (Soil analysis hydrometers)
- Soil core sampling apparatus (Soil augers)
- Moisture meters (Soil moisture neutron probes)
- Handheld thermometer (Soil thermometers)
- Spectrophotometers
- Radarbased surveillance systems (Synthetic aperture radar SAR)
- Tensiometers
- Thermocouples
- Spectrofluorimeters or fluorimeters (X ray fluorescence XRF spectrometers)
Technologies Include:
- Analytical or scientific software
- 3dMapper
- Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator EPIC
- European Soil Erosion Model EUROSEM
- Gstat
- LandSerf
- PC-Progress HYDRUS
- S-GeMS
- SAS software
- SPSS software
- StatSoft STATISTICA software
- Variogram Estimation and Spatial Prediction plus Error Vesper
- Water Erosion Prediction Project WEPP
- Categorization or classification software
- GAEA Technologies WinSieve
- Computer aided design CAD software
- Autodesk AutoCAD software
- Data base user interface and query software
- National Resources Conservation Service NRCS PEDON Description Program PDP
- National Resources Conservation Service NRCS Soils Explorer
- National Soil Information System NASIS
- PedonCE
- Soil information databases
- SoilVision Systems SoilVision software
- Map creation software
- ESRI ArcGIS software
- GIS software
- Leica Geosystems ERDAS IMAGINE
- Object or component oriented development software
- R
- Office suite software
- Microsoft Office software
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Word
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)