Instruct individual students or small groups of students in academic subjects to support formal class instruction or to prepare students for standardized or admissions tests.
Tasks Include:
- Travel to students' homes, libraries, or schools to conduct tutoring sessions.
- Schedule tutoring appointments with students or their parents.
- Research or recommend textbooks, software, equipment, or other learning materials to complement tutoring.
- Prepare and facilitate tutoring workshops, collaborative projects, or academic support sessions for small groups of students.
- Participate in training and development sessions to improve tutoring practices or learn new tutoring techniques.
- Organize tutoring environment to promote productivity and learning.
- Monitor student performance or assist students in academic environments, such as classrooms, laboratories, or computing centers.
- Review class material with students by discussing text, working solutions to problems, or reviewing worksheets or other assignments.
- Provide feedback to students, using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage, motivate, or build confidence in students.
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The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™; US Department of Labor (BLS); Virginia Workforce Connection. (Using onet291)
Projections Quick View:
Virginia: No Data
National: +0.7%
Bachelor's Degree
Job Zone:
Three: Medium Preparation Needed
Income Range:
Highest ($50,000 and up)
Median Earnings: