Examine, diagnose, and treat dental malocclusions and oral cavity anomalies. Design and fabricate appliances to realign teeth and jaws to produce and maintain normal function and to improve appearance.
Tasks Include:
- Fit dental appliances in patients' mouths to alter the position and relationship of teeth and jaws or to realign teeth.
- Study diagnostic records, such as medical or dental histories, plaster models of the teeth, photos of a patient's face and teeth, and X-rays, to develop patient treatment plans.
- Diagnose teeth and jaw or other dental-facial abnormalities.
- Examine patients to assess abnormalities of jaw development, tooth position, and other dental-facial structures.
- Prepare diagnostic and treatment records.
- Adjust dental appliances to produce and maintain normal function.
- Provide patients with proposed treatment plans and cost estimates.
- Instruct dental officers and technical assistants in orthodontic procedures and techniques.
- Coordinate orthodontic services with other dental and medical services.
- Design and fabricate appliances, such as space maintainers, retainers, and labial and lingual arch wires.
- Advise patients to comply with treatment plans.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™; US Department of Labor (BLS); Virginia Workforce Connection. (Using onet291)
Projections Quick View:
Virginia: +16.7%
National: +3.7%
Post-Doctoral Training
Job Zone:
Five: Extensive Preparation Needed
Income Range:
Highest ($50,000 and up)
Median Earnings:
No Data
No Data