Painters, Construction and Maintenance
- Architectural Coating Finisher
- Bitumastic Applier
- Bridge Painter
- Brush Painter
- Buildings Painter
- Calciminer
- Calker
- Chipper
- Colored Liquid Plastic Applier
- Commercial Painter
- Decorator
- Drywall Sprayer
- Enameler
- Facilities Painter
- Filler
- Glass Tinter
- Highway Painter
- House Decorator
- House or Other Buildings Painter Apprentice
- House Painter
- Industrial Coating and Lining Application Specialist
- Industrial Painter
- Interior Decorator
- Interior Decorator, Painting
- Interior Painter
- Kalsominer
- Line Painting Machine Operator
- Maintenance Painter
- Maintenance Painter Apprentice
- Marbleizer
- Ornamental Painter
- Painter
- Painter and Decorator
- Painter and Decorator Apprentice
- Painter and Paperhanger Apprentice
- Painter Apprentice
- Parking Line Painter
- Railroad Car Letterer
- Red Leader
- Roof Painter
- Set Painter
- Shipyard Painter
- Shipyard Painter Apprentice
- Sign Painter Apprentice
- Silo Painter
- Spray Painter
- Stage Setting Painter Apprentice
- Stage Settings Painter
- Stainer
- Stippler
- Structural Steel Painter
- Traffic Line Painter
- Varnisher Apprentice
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)