Wind Turbine Service Technicians
Tools and Technology
Tools Include:
- Paint brushes (Acid brushes)
- Adjustable widemouth pliers
- Adjustable wrenches
- Power meters (Alternating current AC power analyzers)
- Clamp On Multimeter (Amp clamp meters)
- Specialty wrenches (Breaker bars)
- Calculators or accessories (Calculators)
- Hammers (Claw hammers)
- Wattmeters (Conventional watt meters)
- Power drills (Cordless drills)
- Forklift or elevator accessories or supplies (Crane attachments)
- Calipers (Digital calipers)
- Dynamometers (Digital dynamometers)
- Hydrometers (Digital hydrometers)
- Micrometers (Digital micrometers)
- Multimeters (Digital multimeters)
- Oscilloscopes (Digital oscilloscopes)
- Digital cameras (Digital still cameras)
- Measuring wheels for distance (Distance measuring wheels)
- Winches (Electric winches)
- Wattmeters (Electronic watt meters)
- Safety harnesses or belts (Fall arrest systems)
- Lasers (Fiber optic visual fault locators)
- Forklifts (Field forklifts)
- Fire retardant apparel (Flame retardant coveralls)
- Signal generators (Function generators)
- Calibrated resistance measuring equipment (Ground resistance testers)
- Saws (Hacksaws)
- Files (Hand files)
- Punches or nail sets or drifts (Hand punches)
- Global positioning system receivers (Handheld global positioning system GPS units)
- Hard hats
- Battery testers (High-rate load testers)
- High voltage cable detection (Hotsticks)
- Torque tools (Hydraulic torque machines)
- Electronic measuring probes (Inductive probes)
- Infrared imagers (Infrared thermography cameras)
- Protective gloves (Insulated gloves)
- Wire cutters (Insulated wire cutters)
- Notebook computers (Laptop computers)
- Longnose pliers (Long nose pliers)
- Lubricating oil testing kit (Lubricant oil sampling kits)
- Torque wrenches (Manual torque wrenches)
- Tape measures (Measuring tapes)
- Megohmmeters
- Two way radios (Mobile radios)
- Levels (Optical levels)
- Personal computers
- Phasemeters (Phase rotation meters)
- Screwdrivers (Phillips head screwdrivers)
- Gas generators (Portable gas-powered generators)
- Microcontrollers (Programmable logic controllers PLC)
- Ear muffs (Protective ear muffs)
- Facial shields (Protective face shields)
- Ratchets (Ratchet sets)
- Anemometers (Recording anemometers)
- Slings (Rigging equipment)
- Safety glasses
- Fall protection lanyard (Safety lanyards)
- Fire escape equipment (Safety line evacuation kits)
- Lifts (Shackles)
- Hammers (Sledgehammers)
- Welding or soldering kit (Soldering tools)
- Screwdrivers (Straight screwdrivers)
- Theodolites (Survey transits)
- Taps or dies (Taps and dies)
- Torque wrenches (Torque multipliers)
- Tower cranes
- Flatbed trailers (Utility trailers)
- Light trucks or sport utility vehicles (Utility trucks)
- Vibration testers (Vibration analysis equipment)
- Ohmmeters (Volt-ohm meters VOM)
- Voltage or current meters (Voltage testers)
- Voltage or current meters (Voltmeters)
- Stripping tools (Wire strippers)
- Bench vises (Workshop bench vises)
Technologies Include:
- Analytical or scientific software
- Computerized diagnostic software
- Electronic mail software
- Microsoft Outlook
- Facilities management software
- Computerized maintenance management system CMMS software
- Industrial control software
- Industrial control systems software
- Programmable logic controller PLC software
- Supervisory control and data acquisition SCADA software
- Vestas Wind Systems A/S Vestas Remote Panel
- Internet browser software
- Web browser software
- Office suite software
- Microsoft Office software
- Presentation software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Project management software
- Microsoft Project
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Word
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)