Railroad Brake, Signal, and Switch Operators and Locomotive Firers
Core Tasks Include:
- Observe train signals along routes and verify their meanings for engineers.
- Signal locomotive engineers to start or stop trains when coupling or uncoupling cars, using hand signals, lanterns, or radio communication.
- Pull or push track switches to reroute cars.
- Observe signals from other crew members so that work activities can be coordinated.
- Monitor trains as they go around curves to detect dragging equipment and smoking journal boxes.
- Inspect couplings, air hoses, journal boxes, and handbrakes to ensure that they are securely fastened and functioning properly.
- Observe tracks from left sides of locomotives to detect obstructions on tracks.
- Operate locomotives in emergency situations.
- Raise levers to couple and uncouple cars for makeup and breakup of trains.
- Climb ladders to tops of cars to set brakes.
- Receive oral or written instructions from yardmasters or yard conductors indicating track assignments and cars to be switched.
- Inspect locomotives to detect damaged or worn parts.
- Signal other workers to set brakes and to throw track switches when switching cars from trains to way stations.
- Check to see that trains are equipped with supplies such as fuel, water, and sand.
- Monitor oil, temperature, and pressure gauges on dashboards to determine if engines are operating safely and efficiently.
- Set flares, flags, lanterns, or torpedoes in front and at rear of trains during emergency stops to warn oncoming trains.
- Inspect tracks, cars, and engines for defects and to determine service needs, sending engines and cars for repairs as necessary.
- Start diesel engines to warm engines before runs.
- Make minor repairs to couplings, air hoses, and journal boxes, using hand tools.
- Connect air hoses to cars, using wrenches.
Supplemental Tasks Include:
- Operate and drive locomotives, diesel switch engines, dinkey engines, flatcars, and railcars in train yards and at industrial sites.
- Refuel and lubricate engines.
- Ride atop cars that have been shunted, and turn handwheels to control speeds or stop cars at specified positions.
- Record numbers of cars available, numbers of cars sent to repair stations, and types of service needed.
- Provide passengers with assistance entering and exiting trains.
Tasks Include:
- Conduct brake tests to determine the condition of brakes on trains.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)