Automotive and Watercraft Service Attendants
- Attendant
- Attendant Sales
- Auto Garage Attendant
- Auto Mechanic
- Auto Self Service Station Attendant
- Auto Service Station Attendant
- Auto Servicer
- Auto Technician
- Automobile Self-Serve Service Station Attendant
- Automobile Service Station Attendant
- Battery Charger
- Boat Fueler
- Bus Greaser
- Car Greaser
- Car Lubricator
- Car Servicer
- Cleaner/Shifter
- Clerk
- Curb Worker
- Customer Service Representative
- Detailer
- Drive Man
- Drive Worker
- Driveway Attendant
- Extrusion Machine Operator
- Filler
- Filling Station Attendant
- Filling Station Laborer
- Front Attendant
- Front Man
- Front Worker
- Fuel Attendant
- Fuel Jack
- Fuel Jockey
- Fueler
- Garage Attendant
- Garage Hand
- Garage Laborer
- Garage Worker
- Garageman
- Gas and Oil Servicer
- Gas Attendant
- Gas Dispenser
- Gas Jockey
- Gas Pump Attendant
- Gas Pumper
- Gas Station Attendant
- Gas Station Cashier
- Gas Station Clerk
- Gas Station Manager
- Gas Station Service Attendant
- Gasateria Attendant
- Gasoline Attendant
- Gasoline Service Attendant
- Grease Man
- Grease Monkey
- Grease Rack Worker
- Grease Worker
- Greaser
- Hand
- Handyman
- Industrial Garage Servicer
- Lube Man
- Lube Technician
- Lube Worker
- Lubricating Specialist
- Lubrication Servicer
- Lubrication Technician
- Lubrication Worker
- Lubricator
- Mechanic
- Nightman
- Oil Changer
- Parts Chaser
- Pitman
- Pump Attendant
- Pump Jockey
- Pump Operator
- Pump Tender
- Pumpman
- Refueling and Fueling Line Service Attendant
- Rim Buster
- Sales Associate
- Service Attendant
- Service Station Attendant
- Servicer
- Station Attendant
- Station Worker
- Tanker Service Attendant
- Tanker Serviceman
- Tankman
- Taxi Servicer
- Tender
- Truck Greaser
- Utility Worker
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)