Transportation Inspectors
Inspect equipment or goods in connection with the safe transport of cargo or people. Includes rail transportation inspectors, such as freight inspectors, rail inspectors, and other inspectors of transportation vehicles not elsewhere classified.
Tasks Include:
- Prepare and submit reports after completion of freight shipments.
- Inspect shipments to ensure that freight is securely braced and blocked.
- Record details about freight conditions, handling of freight, and any problems encountered.
- Advise crews in techniques of stowing dangerous and heavy cargo.
- Observe loading of freight to ensure that crews comply with procedures.
- Recommend remedial procedures to correct any violations found during inspections.
- Inspect loaded cargo, cargo lashed to decks or in storage facilities, and cargo handling devices to determine compliance with health and safety regulations and need for maintenance.
- Notify workers of any special treatment required for shipments.
- Direct crews to reload freight or to insert additional bracing or packing as necessary.
- Check temperatures and humidities of shipping and storage areas to ensure that they are at appropriate levels to protect cargo.
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The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™; US Department of Labor (BLS); Virginia Workforce Connection. (Using onet291)
Projections Quick View:
Virginia: +3.3%
National: +3.9%
Bachelor's Degree
Job Zone:
Four: Considerable Preparation Needed
Income Range:
Highest ($50,000 and up)
Median Earnings: