Select a major from the list below to view possible careers that the major would prepare you for. Please note that this list only contains careers that have been specifically reported for these majors, and may not include an exhaustive list.
Majors |
Degree Type |
African-American/Black Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
Agribusiness/Agricultural Business Operations.
Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural Business and Management, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural Teacher Education.
Bachelor's Degree
Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other.
Master's Degree
Agriculture, General.
Master's Degree
Animal Sciences, General.
Master's Degree
Anthropology, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Apparel and Textiles, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Art/Art Studies, General.
Master's Degree
Athletic Training/Trainer.
Master's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other.
Bachelor's Degree
Biology/Biological Sciences, General.
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Business Administration and Management, General.
Master's Degree
Chemistry, General.
Master's Degree
Child Development.
Bachelor's Degree
City/Urban, Community, and Regional Planning.
Bachelor's Degree
Civil Engineering, General.
Master's Degree
Cognitive Science, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Communication Sciences and Disorders, General.
Master's Degree
Community College Administration.
Computer Engineering, General.
Master's Degree
Computer Science.
Master's Degree
Construction Engineering Technology/Technician.
Bachelor's Degree
Construction Management, General.
Master's Degree
Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services.
Master's Degree
Creative Writing.
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Deaf Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Early Childhood Education and Teaching.
Master's Degree
Economics, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Education, General.
Master's Degree
Education, Other.
Master's Degree
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness.
Master's Degree
Educational Leadership and Administration, General.
Educational Statistics and Research Methods.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Bachelor's Degree
Engineering, General.
Master's Degree
English Language and Literature, General.
Master's Degree
English/Language Arts Teacher Education.
Bachelor's Degree
Environmental Science.
Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Food Science.
Bachelor's Degree
Forensic Psychology.
Bachelor's Degree
French Language and Literature.
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Geology/Earth Science, General.
Master's Degree
Graphic Design.
Bachelor's Degree
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other.
Bachelor's Degree
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General.
Master's Degree
Health/Medical Physics.
Bachelor's Degree
Higher Education/Higher Education Administration.
Master's Degree
Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
History, General.
Master's Degree
Hydrology and Water Resources Science.
Master's Degree
Industrial Technology/Technician.
Master's Degree
Interior Design.
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Latin American Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
Master's Degree
Mathematics, General.
Master's Degree
Mechanical Engineering.
Bachelor's Degree
Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other.
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other.
Master's Degree
Music, General.
Master's Degree
Nursing Practice.
Nutrition Sciences.
Bachelor's Degree
Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Physical Sciences, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Physical Therapy/Therapist.
Physics, General.
Master's Degree
Plant Protection and Integrated Pest Management.
Master's Degree
Political Science and Government, General.
Master's Degree
Psychology, General.
Master's Degree
Public Administration.
Master's Degree
Public Health, General.
Master's Degree
Reading Teacher Education.
Master's Degree
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse.
Master's Degree
Rhetoric and Composition.
Master's Degree
School Psychology.
Master's Degree
Social Work.
Master's Degree
Sociology, General.
Bachelor's Degree
Spanish Language and Literature.
Master's Degree
Special Education and Teaching, General.
Master's Degree
Speech Communication and Rhetoric.
Master's Degree
Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist.
Master's Degree
Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General.
Master's Degree
Surveying Technology/Surveying.
Bachelor's Degree
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other.
Master's Degree
Viticulture and Enology.
Bachelor's Degree
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling/Counselor.
Master's Degree
Women's Studies.
Bachelor's Degree
Writing, General.
Every attempt has been made to verify the college data displayed here. However, some data may vary substantially from what has been displayed. Please visit the school's website for the most up to date information.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: IPEDS. (Using ipeds2023)