Select a major from the list below to view possible careers that the major would prepare you for. Please note that this list only contains careers that have been specifically reported for these majors, and may not include an exhaustive list.
Majors |
Degree Type |
Accounting and Business/Management.
Associate's Degree
Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping.
Administrative Assistant and Secretarial Science, General.
Associate's Degree
Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Agricultural Mechanization, General.
Associate's Degree
American Sign Language (ASL).
Postsecondary 1-2
American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence.
Associate's Degree
Animation, Interactive Technology, Video Graphics, and Special Effects.
Postsecondary 1-2
Applied Engineering Technologies/Technicians.
Associate's Degree
Architectural Engineering Technologies/Technicians.
Associate's Degree
Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician.
Automation Engineer Technology/Technician.
Postsecondary 1-2
Automotive Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Baking and Pastry Arts/Baker/Pastry Chef.
Postsecondary 1-2
Biology/Biological Sciences, General.
Associate's Degree
Biomedical Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Brewery/Brewpub Operations/Management.
Postsecondary 1-2
Business Administration and Management, General.
Associate's Degree
CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician.
Chemistry, General.
Associate's Degree
Commercial and Advertising Art.
Commercial Photography.
Associate's Degree
Computer and Information Systems Security/Auditing/Information Assurance.
Computer Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Computer Programming, Specific Applications.
Associate's Degree
Computer Science.
Associate's Degree
Computer Support Specialist.
Associate's Degree
Construction Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General.
Postsecondary 1-2
Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration.
Associate's Degree
Criminal Justice/Police Science.
Culinary Arts/Chef Training.
Associate's Degree
Cybersecurity Defense Strategy/Policy.
Dental Assisting/Assistant.
Postsecondary 1-2
Dental Hygiene/Hygienist.
Associate's Degree
Design and Visual Communications, General.
Associate's Degree
Diagnostic Medical Sonography/Sonographer and Ultrasound Technician.
Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Dietetic Technician.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Dietitian Assistant.
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General.
Associate's Degree
Early Childhood Education and Teaching.
Associate's Degree
Economics, General.
Associate's Degree
Educational/Instructional Technology.
Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic).
English Language and Literature, General.
Associate's Degree
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations, Other.
Associate's Degree
Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies.
Associate's Degree
Environmental Science.
Associate's Degree
Executive Assistant/Executive Secretary.
Associate's Degree
Family and Community Services.
Associate's Degree
Fine Arts and Art Studies, Other.
Associate's Degree
Fire Science/Fire-fighting.
General Studies.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Graphic Design.
Postsecondary 1-2
Health Aide.
Health and Wellness, General.
Associate's Degree
Health Information/Medical Records Technology/Technician.
Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Refrigeration Maintenance Technology/Technician.
Postsecondary 1-2
History, General.
Associate's Degree
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services, Other.
Associate's Degree
Hospitality Administration/Management, General.
Associate's Degree
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology/Technician.
Postsecondary 1-2
Industrial Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Information Technology.
Associate's Degree
Landscaping and Groundskeeping.
Associate's Degree
Legal Assistant/Paralegal.
Associate's Degree
Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training.
Associate's Degree
Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician.
Mass Communication/Media Studies.
Postsecondary 1-2
Mathematics, General.
Associate's Degree
Mechanical/Mechanical Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant and Medical Secretary.
Medical Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiation Therapist.
Associate's Degree
Medical Reception/Receptionist.
Associate's Degree
Medical/Clinical Assistant.
Associate's Degree
Meeting and Event Planning.
Postsecondary 1-2
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General.
Associate's Degree
Music Performance, General.
Associate's Degree
Music Technology.
Associate's Degree
Music, Other.
Associate's Degree
Network and System Administration/Administrator.
Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist.
Associate's Degree
Occupational Therapist Assistant.
Associate's Degree
Office Management and Supervision.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Physical Fitness Technician.
Physical Therapy Assistant.
Associate's Degree
Plumbing Technology/Plumber.
Postsecondary 1-2
Political Science and Government, General.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Psychology, General.
Associate's Degree
Radio and Television Broadcasting Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer.
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse.
Associate's Degree
Restaurant/Food Services Management.
Associate's Degree
Sales, Distribution, and Marketing Operations, General.
Associate's Degree
Selling Skills and Sales Operations.
Postsecondary 1-2
Sign Language Interpretation and Translation.
Associate's Degree
Social Work.
Associate's Degree
Sociology, General.
Associate's Degree
Solar Energy Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Speech Communication and Rhetoric.
Associate's Degree
Surgical Technology/Technologist.
Teacher Education, Multiple Levels.
Associate's Degree
Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology.
Postsecondary 1-2
Tool and Die Technology/Technician.
Veterinary/Animal Health Technology/Technician and Veterinary Assistant.
Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design.
Welding Technology/Welder.
Every attempt has been made to verify the college data displayed here. However, some data may vary substantially from what has been displayed. Please visit the school's website for the most up to date information.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: IPEDS. (Using ipeds2023)