University of Virginia's College at Wise
Select a major from the list below to view possible careers that the major would prepare you for. Please note that this list only contains careers that have been specifically reported for these majors, and may not include an exhaustive list.
Majors | Degree Type |
Biological and Physical Sciences. | Bachelor's Degree |
Business/Commerce, General. | Bachelor's Degree |
Computer Science. | Bachelor's Degree |
Computer Software Engineering. | Bachelor's Degree |
English Language and Literature, General. | Bachelor's Degree |
History, General. | Bachelor's Degree |
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies. | Bachelor's Degree |
Management Information Systems, General. | Bachelor's Degree |
Mathematics, General. | Bachelor's Degree |
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse. | Bachelor's Degree |
Social Sciences, General. | Bachelor's Degree |
Every attempt has been made to verify the college data displayed here. However, some data may vary substantially from what has been displayed. Please visit the school's website for the most up to date information. The data sources for the information displayed here include: IPEDS. (Using ipeds2023)