Select a major from the list below to view possible careers that the major would prepare you for. Please note that this list only contains careers that have been specifically reported for these majors, and may not include an exhaustive list.
Majors |
Degree Type |
Accounting Technology/Technician and Bookkeeping.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Adult Development and Aging.
Agricultural Business and Management, General.
Associate's Degree
Agricultural Communication/Journalism.
Associate's Degree
Agriculture, General.
Associate's Degree
Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew.
American Sign Language (ASL).
Associate's Degree
Animal Sciences, General.
Associate's Degree
Animal-Assisted Therapy.
Anthropology, General.
Associate's Degree
Architectural Drafting and Architectural CAD/CADD.
Art Teacher Education.
Associate's Degree
Art/Art Studies, General.
Associate's Degree
Assistive/Augmentative Technology and Rehabilitation Engineering.
Athletic Training/Trainer.
Associate's Degree
Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Biology/Biological Sciences, General.
Associate's Degree
Business Administration and Management, General.
Associate's Degree
Business/Office Automation/Technology/Data Entry.
Chemistry, General.
Associate's Degree
Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician.
Associate's Degree
Computer and Information Systems Security/Auditing/Information Assurance.
Associate's Degree
Computer Programming/Programmer, General.
Associate's Degree
Construction Management, General.
Associate's Degree
Construction Trades, General.
Associate's Degree
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies.
Associate's Degree
Dance, General.
Associate's Degree
Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Drafting and Design Technology/Technician, General.
Associate's Degree
Economics, General.
Associate's Degree
Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Postsecondary 1-2
Elementary Education and Teaching.
Associate's Degree
Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic).
Energy Systems Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Engineering, General.
Associate's Degree
English Language and Literature, General.
Associate's Degree
Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies.
Associate's Degree
Environmental Science.
Associate's Degree
Environmental/Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism.
Associate's Degree
Exercise Science and Kinesiology.
Associate's Degree
Farm/Farm and Ranch Management.
Postsecondary 1-2
Fine/Studio Arts, General.
Associate's Degree
Fire Science/Fire-fighting.
Associate's Degree
Foreign Languages and Literatures, General.
Associate's Degree
Forensic Science and Technology.
Associate's Degree
General Studies.
Associate's Degree
Geographic Information Science and Cartography.
Geology/Earth Science, General.
Associate's Degree
Graphic Design.
Associate's Degree
Health and Wellness, General.
Health Services/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General.
Associate's Degree
History, General.
Associate's Degree
Hospitality Administration/Management, General.
Associate's Degree
International Relations and Affairs.
Associate's Degree
Associate's Degree
Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching.
Associate's Degree
Legal Assistant/Paralegal.
Associate's Degree
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies.
Associate's Degree
Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training.
Postsecondary 1-2
Machine Tool Technology/Machinist.
Associate's Degree
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technology/Technician.
Mammography Technology/Technician.
Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician.
Associate's Degree
Marketing/Marketing Management, General.
Associate's Degree
Mass Communication/Media Studies.
Associate's Degree
Mathematics, General.
Associate's Degree
Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians, Other.
Associate's Degree
Mechanical Drafting and Mechanical Drafting CAD/CADD.
Postsecondary 1-2
Museology/Museum Studies.
Associate's Degree
Music Performance, General.
Associate's Degree
Music Teacher Education.
Associate's Degree
Music, General.
Associate's Degree
Musical Theatre.
Associate's Degree
Nutrition Sciences.
Associate's Degree
Occupational Therapist Assistant.
Associate's Degree
Office Management and Supervision.
Associate's Degree
Pharmacy Technician/Assistant.
Associate's Degree
Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist.
Associate's Degree
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching.
Physical Fitness Technician.
Physics, General.
Associate's Degree
Political Science and Government, General.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Dentistry Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Law Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Occupational Therapy Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Optometry Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Pharmacy Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Physical Therapy Studies.
Associate's Degree
Pre-Veterinary Studies.
Associate's Degree
Psychology, General.
Associate's Degree
Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication.
Associate's Degree
Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer.
Range Science and Management.
Associate's Degree
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse.
Associate's Degree
Rehabilitation Science.
Postsecondary 1-2
Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist.
Associate's Degree
Retailing and Retail Operations.
Social Studies Teacher Education.
Associate's Degree
Social Work.
Associate's Degree
Sociology, General.
Associate's Degree
Spanish Language and Literature.
Associate's Degree
Speech Communication and Rhetoric.
Associate's Degree
Statistics, Other.
Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling.
Associate's Degree
Technical Theatre/Theatre Design and Technology.
Associate's Degree
Technology Teacher Education/Industrial Arts Teacher Education.
Associate's Degree
Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design.
Associate's Degree
Welding Technology/Welder.
Associate's Degree
Wildlife, Fish and Wildlands Science and Management.
Associate's Degree
Women's Studies.
Every attempt has been made to verify the college data displayed here. However, some data may vary substantially from what has been displayed. Please visit the school's website for the most up to date information.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: IPEDS. (Using ipeds2023)