Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers
Phone: 336-383-5654
While we benefit from assistance with projects and an expanded candidate pool for future full-time hiring, participating students receive real business experience, professional growth in their field of study, and a valuable look at future careers. Internships often enhance the skills and theory that the student learns in the classroom and may qualify as course credit. The intern program is a one-semester/quarter work assignment. In addition, students who participate in the program also increase their marketability for full-time positions upon graduation.
Institute of Aviation Airline Internships
Phone: 217-244-8606
The Institute now has competitive one-semester flight officer internships with United Airlines, American Airlines, and TWA. Candidates are selected largely on grade point average and spend a semester (spring, summer, or fall) at one of the airline's domiciles.
The experience gained as an intern has proven to be invaluable in the student's career as a pilot. The internships include cockpit "jump seat" privileges and "flight" time in Boeing and/or McDonald Douglas jet transport simulators. Some allow the intern to earn his or her turbojet flight engineer's rating at no cost. Most include tours of aircraft manufacturers and opportunities to attend flight officer training sessions. United guarantees an interview for employment as a pilot at a later date as well as information on company employment criteria, etc., but none guarantee employment.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: Virginia Career VIEW Research. (Using onet28)