Team Assemblers
Tools and Technology
Tools Include:
- Sealant adhesive robots (Adhesive application robots)
- Adjustable wrenches
- Hex keys (Allen wrenches)
- Rivet tools (Alligator jaw compression riveters)
- Protective gloves (Anti-vibration gloves)
- Gas welding or brazing or cutting apparatus (Arc welding equipment)
- Pick or place robots (Assembly robots)
- Rivet tools (Autoriveters)
- Adjustable wrenches (Backup wrenches)
- Tube bending machinery (Beading tools)
- Bearing fitting tool kits (Bearing installation tools)
- Swaging tools (Bearing staking tools)
- Power sanders (Belt sanders)
- Power grinders (Bench grinders)
- Bench vises
- Shears (Beverly shears)
- Rivet tools (Blind rivet guns)
- Workshop presses (Brakes)
- Gas welding or brazing or cutting apparatus (Brazing equipment)
- Deburring equipment (Burring tools)
- Rivet tools (C-yoke compression riveters)
- Wire or cable cutters (Cable cutters)
- Specialty wrenches (Case wrenches)
- Punches or nail sets or drifts (Center punches)
- Resin guns (Chopper guns)
- Hammers (Claw hammers)
- Milling cutters (Computerized numerical control CNC metal-cutting machines)
- Workshop presses (Computerized numerical control CNC press brakes)
- Power drills (Cordless drills)
- Paint systems ovens (Curing ovens)
- Power saws (Cutoff saws)
- Deburring equipment (Deburring tools)
- Desktop computers
- Calipers (Dial calipers)
- Gauges or inspection fixtures (Dial indicators)
- Compasses (Dividers)
- Templates (Drafting templates)
- Punches or nail sets or drifts (Drift pins)
- Workshop presses (Drill presses)
- Power drills (Drilling machines)
- Power planes (Edge planers)
- Metal markers or holders (Electrochemical etching devices)
- Machine end mills (End milling machines)
- Engine or vehicle stands (Engine repair stands)
- Feeler gauges
- Feed or drive rollers (Fiber reinforced polymer FRP rollers)
- Positioning jig (First assembly jigs)
- Plasma welding machinery (Flame cutters)
- Specialty wrenches (Flange wrenches)
- Tube end finishers (Flaring tools)
- Forklifts
- Torque wrenches (Fuel control wrenches)
- Specialty wrenches (Fuel nozzle wrenches)
- Pullers (Gear pullers)
- Specialty wrenches (Gear shaft wrenches)
- Specialty wrenches (Gear wrenches)
- Power grinders (Grinding machines)
- Hand clamps
- Files (Hand files)
- Jacks (Hand jacks)
- Shears (Hand shears)
- Heat guns
- Laboratory heaters (Heat lamps)
- Induction heaters (Heating furnaces)
- Paint sprayers (High-volume low-pressure HVLP spray guns)
- Hydraulic press frames
- Specialty wrenches (Input wrenches)
- Workshop cranes (Jib cranes)
- Ladders
- Tumblers or polishers (Lapping tools)
- Lathes
- Squares (Layout squares)
- Reamers (Line reamers)
- Locking pliers
- Guide jig (Material guiding jigs)
- Tape measures (Measuring tapes)
- Tube bending machinery (Metal bending equipment)
- Rivet tools (Metal bucking bars)
- Cold chisels (Metal chisels)
- Metal inert gas MIG welding machinery (Metal inert gas MIG welders)
- Micrometers
- Milling machines
- Templates (Mylar index templates)
- Needlenose pliers
- Nut drivers
- Nut drivers (Nut wrenches)
- Hammers (Nylon hammers)
- Track cranes (Overhead cranes)
- Paint brushes (Paint application brushes)
- Paint rollers (Paint application rollers)
- Paint sprayers (Paint spray guns)
- Pallet trucks (Pallet jacks)
- Height gauges (Pin protrusion gauges)
- Plasma welding machinery (Plasma cutters)
- Mallets (Plastic mallets)
- Pneumatic drill (Pneumatic drills)
- Compressed air gun (Pneumatic hog rings)
- Paint sprayers (Pneumatic spray guns)
- Positioning jig (Positioning jigs)
- Power chippers
- Power drills
- Power screwguns (Power drivers)
- Power grinders
- Power saws (Power hacksaws)
- Hoists (Power hoists)
- Power sanders
- Power saws
- Power screwguns
- Impact wrenches (Power wrenches)
- Reamers (Precision tapered reamers)
- Feed or drive rollers (Pressure-fed roller applicators)
- Ear muffs (Protective ear muffs)
- Ear plugs (Protective ear plugs)
- Protractors
- Pry bars
- Punches or nail sets or drifts (Punches)
- Power saws (Radial arm saws)
- Twist drills (Radial drills)
- Ratchets
- Rivet tools (Recoilless rivet hammers)
- Respirators
- Files (Ring filing wheels)
- Hydraulic cylinder or component repair kits (Ring squeezers)
- Rivet tools (Rivet guns)
- Tube bending machinery (Roll benders)
- Pipe bending mandrels (Rotating mandrels)
- Mallets (Rubber mallets)
- Safety glasses
- Protective gloves (Safety gloves)
- Scaffolding
- Scribers
- Templates (Setup templates)
- Gauges or inspection fixtures (Sine bars)
- Hammers (Sledgehammers)
- Retaining ring pliers (Snap ring pliers)
- Sockets (Socket wrenches)
- Soldering irons or guns (Soldering guns)
- Soldering irons or guns (Soldering irons)
- Spanner wrenches
- Specialty wrenches (Spline key wrenches)
- Welding tools (Spot welding equipment)
- Squeegees or washers (Squeegees)
- Rulers (Steel rules)
- Screwdrivers (Straight screwdrivers)
- Workshop presses (Straightening presses)
- Gauges or inspection fixtures (Surface gauges)
- Swaging tools
- Welders (Tack welding equipment)
- Taps or dies (Taps)
- Tensiometers
- Insertion tools (Threaded insert tools)
- Speed sensors (Timing lights)
- Force or torque sensors (Torque angle meters)
- Torque wrenches (Torque drivers)
- Torque wrenches
- Level sensors or transmitters (Transit levels)
- Utility knives (Trimming knives)
- Guide jig (Trunnion centering tools)
- Torque wrenches (Trunnion wrenches)
- Tube bending machinery (Tube benders)
- Tube end finishers (Tube crimping tools)
- Pipe or tube cutters (Tube cutters)
- Tungsten inert gas TIG welding machinery (Tungsten inert gas TIG welding equipment)
- Turnbuckles
- Ultrasonic examination equipment (Ultrasonic inspection equipment)
- Shears (Unishears)
- Glass vacuum moldings (Vacuum bags)
- Vacuum pumps
- Calipers (Vernier calipers)
- Height gauges (Vernier height gauges)
- Wedges
- Welding masks (Welding hoods)
- Welding robots
- Blow torches (Welding torches)
Technologies Include:
- Computer aided design CAD software
- Computer aided design CAD software
- Data base user interface and query software
- Data entry software
- Office suite software
- Microsoft Office software
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- Spreadsheet software
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Word
- Word processing software
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet28)