Prepress Technicians and Workers
- Ad Compositor
- Ad Setter
- Advertisement Compositor
- Advertising Layout Worker
- Bankman
- Blueprint Blocker
- Blueprint Cutter
- Blueprint Developer
- Blueprint Duplicator
- Blueprint Machine Operator
- Blueprint Maker
- Blueprint Processor
- Blueprint Reproducer
- Blueprinter
- Blueprinting Machine Operator
- Camera Operator
- Clamper
- Cold Type Artist
- Color Etcher
- Color Separation Photographer
- Color Stripper
- Composer
- Composing Machine Operator/Tender
- Composing Room Manager
- Compositor
- Compositor Apprentice
- Computer to Plate Operator (CTP Operator)
- Computer Typesetter
- Copper Etcher
- Copper Plate Lithographer
- Desktop Operator
- Digital Prepress Operator
- Digital Proofing and Platemaker
- Diploma Maker
- Dot Etcher
- Dot Etcher Apprentice
- Dumpman
- Electron-Beam Photo Mask Maker
- Electron-Beam Photo Mask Technician
- Electronic Masking System Operator
- Electronic Pre-Press Technician
- Electronic Prepress Operator (EPP Operator)
- Electronic Prepress Technician (EPP Tech)
- Electrotyper
- Electrotyper Apprentice
- Etcher
- Form Setter
- Form Worker
- Galley Stripper
- Graphic Artist
- Graphic Arts Technician
- Graphic Designer
- Graphic Technician
- Gravure Press Operator
- Halftone Operator
- Hand Compositor
- Hand Etcher
- Head Setter
- Imposer
- Intertype Operator
- Job Compositor
- Job Forwarder
- Job Lithographer
- Keyboard Operator
- Laser Beam Color Scanner Operator
- Layout Former
- Layup Worker
- Letterpress Setter
- Line Camera Operator
- Linotype Operator
- Linotype Worker
- Linotyper
- Linotypist
- Lithograph Designer
- Lithograph Operator
- Lithographer
- Lithographer Apprentice
- Lithographers Printer
- Lithographic Artist
- Lithographic Camera Operator
- Lithographic Etcher
- Lithographic Photographer
- Lithographic Photographer Apprentice
- Lithographic Plate Maker
- Lithographic Plate-Maker Apprentice
- Lithographic Platemaker
- Lithographic Press Operator
- Lithographic Stripper
- Lithographing Machine Operator
- Lithopress Operator
- Lithostripper
- Lock Up Worker
- Ludlow Machine Operator
- Machine Compositor
- Make Up Arranger
- Make Up Worker
- Make-Up Arranger
- Manufacturing Assistant
- Manufacturing Associate
- Manufacturing Operator
- Map Mounter
- Monotype Caster
- Monotype Keyboard Operator
- Monotype Operator
- Monotype Setter
- Monotyper
- Monotypist
- Music Engraver
- Negative Assembler
- Negative Stripper
- Offset Camera Operator
- Offset Plate Maker
- Offset Platemaker
- Opaquer
- Pantograph Machine Operator
- Pantograph Operator
- Pantograph Setter
- Pantograph Transferrer
- Pantographer
- Paste Up Artist
- Paste Up Copy Camera Operator
- Paste-Up Artist
- Paste-Up Artist Apprentice
- Paste-Up Worker
- Photocomposing Machine Operator
- Photoengraver
- Photoengraver Apprentice
- Photoengraving Apprentice
- Photoengraving Etcher
- Photoengraving Etcher Apprentice
- Photoengraving Finisher
- Photoengraving Machine Operator/Tender
- Photoengraving Photographer
- Photoengraving Printer
- Photoengraving Proofer
- Photoengraving Proofer Apprentice
- Photoengraving Retoucher
- Photographic Lithographer
- Photographic Plate Maker
- Photographic Platemaker
- Photogravure Press Operator
- Photolettering Machine Operator
- Photolith Operator
- Photolithographer
- Photolithographic Stripper
- Phototypesetter
- Phototypesetter Operator
- Phototypesetting Equipment Monitor
- Plate Developer
- Plate Finisher
- Plate Grainer
- Plate Grainer Apprentice
- Plate Keeper
- Plate Maker
- Plate Mounter
- Plate Straightener
- Platemaker
- Pre-Press Proofer
- Pre-Press Technician
- Preflight Technician
- Prepress Digital Technician
- Prepress Manager
- Prepress Operator
- Prepress Specialist
- Prepress Stripper
- Prepress Supervisor
- Prepress Technician
- Print Room Worker
- Printing Film Stripper
- Printing Plate Maker
- Printing Technician
- Process Artist
- Process Stripper
- Process Worker
- Production Coordinator
- Proofsheet Corrector
- Repeat Chief
- Repeat Photocomposing Machine Operator
- Roller Print Tender
- Roller Varnisher
- Router
- Runner
- Runner Out
- Scanner
- Scanner Operator
- Scanning Clerk
- Semiconductor Packages Platemaker
- Set Up Worker
- Sheet Layer
- Steel Die Printer
- Step and Repeat Camera Operator
- Step and Repeat Reduction Camera Operator
- Stereotyper
- Stereotyper Apprentice
- Stonehand
- Stoneman
- Striping Machine Operator
- Stripper
- Stripper Apprentice
- Teletypesetter
- Teletypesetter Operator
- Terminal Makeup Operator
- Transfer Worker
- Transferrer
- Type Setter
- Type-Proof Reproducer
- Typecasting Machine Operator
- Typesetter
- Typesetter Apprentice
- Typesetters Printer
- Typesetting Machine Operator/Tender
- Typo Machine Operator
- Typographer
- Zinc Etcher
- Zincographer
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)