Sales Managers
Core Tasks Include:
- Resolve customer complaints regarding sales and service.
- Monitor customer preferences to determine focus of sales efforts.
- Direct and coordinate activities involving sales of manufactured products, services, commodities, real estate, or other subjects of sale.
- Determine price schedules and discount rates.
- Review operational records and reports to project sales and determine profitability.
- Direct, coordinate, and review sales and service accounting and record-keeping, as well as receiving and shipping.
- Confer or consult with department heads to plan advertising services and to secure information on equipment and customer specifications.
- Advise dealers and distributors on policies and operating procedures to ensure functional effectiveness of business.
- Prepare budgets and approve budget expenditures.
- Represent company at trade association meetings to promote products.
- Plan and direct staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales and service programs.
- Oversee regional and local sales managers and their staffs.
- Direct clerical staff to keep records of export correspondence, bid requests, and credit collections, and to maintain current information on tariffs, licenses, and restrictions.
Supplemental Tasks Include:
- Visit franchised dealers to stimulate interest in establishment or expansion of leasing programs.
- Confer with potential customers regarding equipment needs, and advise customers on types of equipment to purchase.
- Direct foreign sales and service outlets of an organization.
- Assess marketing potential of new and existing store locations, considering statistics and expenditures.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)