Sales Managers
Tools and Technology
Tools Include:
- Desktop computers
- Notebook computers
- Personal computers
- Personal digital assistant PDAs or organizers (Personal digital assistants PDA)
- Scanners
- Tablet computers
Technologies Include:
- Analytical or scientific software
- Hewlett-Packard HP TCM software
- Calendar and scheduling software
- Contact management software
- Scheduling software
- Charting software
- Microsoft Office Visio
- Customer relationship management CRM software
- Avidian Technologies Prophet
- Customer relationship management CRM software
- Eden Sales Manager
- FrontRange Solutions Goldmine software
- Maximizer Software Maximizer Enterprise
- NetSuite NetCRM
- Sage ACT!
- Salesforce CRM
- Software on Sailboats Desktop Sales Manager
- Vanguard Software Vanguard Sales Manager
- Data base user interface and query software
- Data entry software
- Microsoft Access
- Development environment software
- Eclipse software
- Electronic mail software
- Email software
- IBM Lotus Notes
- Microsoft Outlook
- Human resources software
- Workforce management software
- Internet browser software
- Web browser software
- Inventory management software
- Inventory software
- Office suite software
- Microsoft Office software
- Presentation software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Project management software
- Microsoft Project
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Word
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)