Childcare Workers
Attend to children at schools, businesses, private households, and childcare institutions. Perform a variety of tasks, such as dressing, feeding, bathing, and overseeing play.
Tasks Include:
- Support children's emotional and social development, encouraging understanding of others and positive self-concepts.
- Care for children in institutional setting, such as group homes, nursery schools, private businesses, or schools for people with disabilities.
- Sanitize toys and play equipment.
- Discipline children and recommend or initiate other measures to control behavior, such as caring for own clothing and picking up toys and books.
- Identify signs of emotional or developmental problems in children and bring them to parents' or guardians' attention.
- Observe and monitor children's play activities.
- Keep records on individual children, including daily observations and information about activities, meals served, and medications administered.
- Instruct children in health and personal habits, such as eating, resting, and toilet habits.
- Read to children and teach them simple painting, drawing, handicrafts, and songs.
- Organize and store toys and materials to ensure order in activity areas.
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The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™; US Department of Labor (BLS); Virginia Workforce Connection. (Using onet291)
Projections Quick View:
Virginia: +5.3%
National: -1.3%
High School Diploma
Job Zone:
Two: Some Preparation Needed
Income Range:
Mid Range ($28,000 - $35,999)
Median Earnings: