New Accounts Clerks
Required Level of Education
- High School Diploma - or the equivalent (for example, GED) = 45.60%
- Some College Courses = 28.22%
- Post-Secondary Certificate - awarded for training completed after high school (for example, in agriculture or natural resources, computer services, personal or culinary services, engineering technologies, healthcare, construction trades, mechanic and repair technologies, or precision production) = 15.45%
- Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree) = 10.73%
Related Work Experience
- Over 6 months, up to and including 1 year = 46.38%
- Over 1 year, up to and including 2 years = 23.66%
- Over 2 years, up to and including 4 years = 10.09%
- None = 9.85%
- Over 4 years, up to and including 6 years = 7.84%
- Over 1 month, up to and including 3 months = 2.17%
On-Site or In-Plant Training
- Over 1 year, up to and including 2 years = 22.95%
- Up to and including 1 month = 21.43%
- Over 1 month, up to and including 3 months = 20.27%
- Over 6 months, up to and including 1 year = 15.48%
- None = 12.02%
- Over 2 years, up to and including 4 years = 7.84%
On-the-Job Training
- Anything beyond short demonstration, up to and including 1 month = 30.95%
- Over 3 months, up to and including 6 months = 22.87%
- Over 6 months, up to and including 1 year = 15.58%
- Over 1 month, up to and including 3 months = 13.08%
- Over 2 years, up to and including 4 years = 7.84%
- Over 1 year, up to and including 2 years = 7.50%
- None or short demonstration = 2.17%
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)