New Accounts Clerks
Core Tasks Include:
- Answer customers' questions and explain available services, such as deposit accounts, bonds, and securities.
- Compile information about new accounts, enter account information into computers, and file related forms or other documents.
- Refer customers to appropriate bank personnel to meet their financial needs.
- Interview customers to obtain information needed for opening accounts or renting safe-deposit boxes.
- Inform customers of procedures for applying for services, such as ATM cards, direct deposit of checks, and certificates of deposit.
- Collect and record customer deposits and fees and issue receipts, using computers.
- Investigate and correct errors upon customers' request, according to customer and bank records.
- Perform teller duties as required.
- Execute wire transfers of funds.
- Issue initial and replacement safe-deposit keys to customers, and admit customers to vaults.
Supplemental Tasks Include:
- Obtain credit records from reporting agencies.
- Duplicate records for distribution to branch offices.
- Perform foreign currency transactions and sell traveler's checks.
- Schedule repairs for locks on safe-deposit boxes.
- Process loan applications.
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)