Advertising and Promotions Managers
Tools and Technology
Tools Include:
- Desktop computers
- Notebook computers
- Personal computers
- Personal digital assistant PDAs or organizers (Personal digital assistants PDA)
- Scanners
- Tablet computers
Technologies Include:
- Analytical or scientific software
- Mediamix software
- Media Professional software
- Business analysis software
- Relex Weibull
- Data base reporting software
- AdRelevance software
- Data base user interface and query software
- Microsoft Access
- Database software
- Data mining software
- ClarityBlue software
- Desktop publishing software
- Adobe Systems Adobe PageMaker
- Desktop publishing software
- Quark software
- Development environment software
- Adobe Systems Adobe Creative Suite software
- Document management software
- Data warehousing software
- Electronic mail software
- Microsoft Outlook
- IBM Lotus Notes
- Enterprise resource planning ERP software
- Actuate software
- Graphics or photo imaging software
- Adobe Systems Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop software
- Graphics software
- Internet browser software
- Web browser software
- Presentation software
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Project management software
- Marketing Pilot software
- Atlas OnePoint software
- PaloAlto Advertising Plan Pro
- ComponentScience WebPlanner
- Rain Catcher Inspire
- Brainworks software
- Unisys Advertising Manager
- FlowMaster software
- Spreadsheet software
- Microsoft Excel
- Spreadsheet software
- Video creation and editing software
- Apple iMovie
- Web page creation and editing software
- Adobe Systems Adobe Flash Player
- Adobe Systems Adobe Dreamweaver
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Word
The data sources for the information displayed here include: O*NET™. (Using onet291)