Postal Service Clerks
Core Tasks Include:
- Weigh letters and parcels, compute mailing costs based on type, weight, and destination, and affix correct postage.
- Obtain signatures from recipients of registered or special delivery mail.
- Check mail to ensure correct postage and that packages and letters are in proper condition for mailing.
- Answer questions regarding mail regulations and procedures, postage rates, and post office boxes.
- Sort incoming and outgoing mail, according to type and destination, by hand or by operating electronic mail-sorting and scanning devices.
- Transport mail from one work station to another.
Supplemental Tasks Include:
- Keep money drawers in order, and record and balance daily transactions.
- Register, certify, and insure letters and parcels.
- Sell and collect payment for products such as stamps, prepaid mail envelopes, and money orders.
- Complete forms regarding changes of address, or theft or loss of mail, or for special services such as registered or priority mail.
- Provide assistance to the public in complying with federal regulations of Postal Service and other federal agencies.
- Cash money orders.
- Rent post office boxes to customers.
- Put undelivered parcels away, retrieve them when customers come to claim them, and complete any related documentation.
- Provide customers with assistance in filing claims for mail theft, or lost or damaged mail.
- Respond to complaints regarding mail theft, delivery problems, and lost or damaged mail, filling out forms and making appropriate referrals for investigation.
- Receive letters and parcels, and place mail into bags.
- Feed mail into postage canceling devices or hand stamp mail to cancel postage.
- Order retail items and other supplies for office use.
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